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Benzion Friedman
- ---- -------- --------
Monroe New York 10950
Tel.: (845) 782-7830
Tel.: (845) ------------
August 10, 2011
Jay C. Shoulson, Esq.
31-51 Crescent Street
Long Island City,NY11106
(718) 278-2224
Re: Weiss, Esther v Weiss, Kalman / Index No. 54379/2010
Dear Mr. Jay C. Shoulson Esq.
It is my understanding that you are representing Mr. Kalman Weiss for the sole purpose of the preparation of a Separation Agreement.
In the agreement it is stated that Mr. Kalman Weiss “shall pay child support to the Mother in the amount of $550.00 per month, due on or before the1st day of each month beginningAugust 1, 2011, as detailed below. Additionally, aside for the monthly child support, the Father shall provide the Mother with the sum of $500.00 twice per year (total of $1,000.00) as additional child support to meet the increased expenses of the Passover and Sukkoth holidays, as follows: The Father shall provide the Mother with the sums of $500.00 on or before September 1 and March 1 of each year”. “This agreement exceeds the Father’s presumptively correct basic child support obligation as he is below the Federal Poverty Guideline, but he has agreed to pay this amount with help from his Mother.”
Mr. Kalman Weiss at his best effort can not afford to pay this amount. Therefore if his Mother wishes to pay, let her sign the agreement. How can Mr. Kalman Weiss sign something he can not take responsibility of?
Furthermore, in the past there was no such time period that Mrs. Esther Weiss gave a pleasant visitation experiences to Mr. Kalman Weiss, so why do you think things are going to change after the Agreement is signed? (For more details about Mrs. Weiss’ behavior, ask for the emails sent in the past four months by Mr. Kalman Weiss to Eli Yeger, Esq. the children Attorney).
Mr. Kalman Weiss originally contacted you on Friday July 15th, and on Monday July 18th he picked up the Court documents from his prior attorney in order to provide it to you, (on your request), to enable you to represent him in Court, his children should not leave New York. Unfortunately Mr. Kalman Weiss was forced to stop communicating with you by Mr. Josef Wolhendler and others.
This Agreement appears to be, to the best of my knowledge, considered as committing suicide for Mr. Kalman Weiss and damaging to the well-being of his children.
Please note, the email address “” is being used by Mr. Josef Wolhendler and Mr. Chaim Weiss, but not by Mr. Kalman Weiss.
Respectfully yours
Benzion Friedman
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Kalman Weiss
5 Premishlan Way # 301
Monroe,New York 10950
Tel.: (845) 662-2370
Tel.: (845) 782-6756
June 27, 2011
Re: Letter of Eli Yeger
Dated June 23
Dear Mr. Steven Cohn Esq.
I have been informed by the following two schools that they do have day camp for Moishe’s age group in Williamsburg which is being used by the entire community for the summer months’ period. Yeshiva Tolodos Hillel D’Karsna 718-802-9567 and Yeshiva Kehilath Yaakov D’Popa 718-486-7934.
In addition about fifty percent population of Williamsburg do stay at home for the summer months, so Moishe will be surrounded with much more friends and family in Williamsburg than in Canada where he has none.
I certainly have no objection for the children to spend the summer months in the Catskills of New York like others, as long I have the visitation agreed upon, every Wednesday and every second weekend.
It is very uncommon for Williamsburg residents who don’t send their children to overnight camp to use Canada as an alternative.
I strongly believe that it is in the best interest of the children to be close to both of their parent’s mother and father, by leaving to Canada they definitely distant from their father, this is a continuation of Ms. Weiss’ long term effort to alienate the children from me.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Respectfully yours,
Kalman Weiss
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בנוגע פרשת ווייס וואלהענדלער ניימאן צו מיינע טייערע חשובע קינדער שיינדי, משה און יוסי שיחי א טאטע בלייבט אלץ א טאטע קלמן יהושע ווייס פראממער אין דבר העומד בפני הרצון
Honorable Rachel A. Adams J.S.C. totally controlled by Mr. Josef Wolhendler who is accompanying him in court, his mother Mrs. Newman, her husband Mr. Newman, and his brother Mr. Chaim Weiss 845-782-7830 בן ציון פנחס פריעדמאן קרית יואל יצ"ו
יוסף ברוך וואלהענדלער פון סי-געיט, זיין מאמע מרת ניימאן, זיין מאמע'ס מאן שלום ניימאן פון טאהש, Dear Mr. Steven Cohn Esq.מיינע קינדער בענקען זיך נאך מיר
"פאר וואס האט יוסף ברוך (וואלהענדלער) דאס געטאן מיט מיר", זיין ברידער חיים אומדערטרעגליכע טעראר פון מיין משפחה ווי אזוי מעג און קען א טאטע זיי דערלאנגען אזא אומפארגעסליכע פראסק, איז דען דאס נישט א שאלה פון פיקוח נפש? צו די הויכגעשעצטע ריכטער
די וועבזייטל ווערט געטוישט רעגלמעסיג
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